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楽しむネイル。どこか心地よく、いろんな国からいつでもふらりと気軽に訪れてもらえる場所。 そんな楽しめる場所作りを目指しアンティークなアパートメントの一室で小さなアトリエサロン《ラクサリーネイル》をスタートさせました。

旅した国で言葉が通じなくてもluxury nailのアートがあればすぐに友達になれてしまう!luxury nailはそんなHappyな場所でありたいと思っています。



661-0012 兵庫県尼崎市南塚口町1-2-8 ネオダイキョー塚口2F 207

1-2-8,2F 207 Minamitsukaguchi Amagasakicity Hyogo Japan

最寄駅/阪急神戸線塚口駅 徒歩3分​

   (阪急神戸線 梅田駅から約10分・阪急三ノ宮駅から約20分)


OPEN 10:00 ー 20:00 [​最終受付18:00]  close/月曜



​ VISA , Master Card , Americanexpress

(ICチップ搭載 Cardのみ) 



*JCB Cardはご利用いただけません


For English:​

The nearest station

“Hankyu Tsukaguchi station”

3minutes on foot

From the Osaka area,Hankyu Train Kobe line From the Umeda station, about 10 minutes.

From the Kobe area,Hankyu Train Kobe line From the Kobe sannomiya station,about 20minutes.

좋은, 여러 나라에서 언제라도 훌쩍 부담 없이 찾아 줄 수 있는 장소. 그런 장소를 만들고 싶고, 낡은 아파트먼트의 일실에서 작은 작업실을 스타트시켰습니다.디자인은 독특한 세계관에서 만들어지는 손으로 직접 그린 아트가 중심에서 모두 오리지널 디자인입니다. 여러가지 것에서 느끼거나 상상한 나의 네일 아트는 여행지에서 본 외국의 벽의 색깔, 낡은 서양 잡지의 표지나 엽서. 화려한 도기와 잡화, 고풍스러운 옷감이나 양복. 자신의 아이디어 노트 등에서 만들어지고 있습니다.여행한 나라에서 말이 안 통해도 luxury nail의 아트가 있으면 바로 친구가 되어 버린다!luxury nail은 그런 Happy인 곳 있고 싶습니다.그리고 여러분이 네일을 계기로 계절, 패션, 그리고 하루 하루를 멋진 미소로 즐길 수 있는 ​ 좋은 장소이고 싶습니다.

The place where you can meet an enjoyed thing".Somewhere you can visit casually unexpectedly anytime from various countries pleasantly. Such, after nail salon duties for several years, I made them start from a small atelier salon “luxury nail” by one room in the antique apartment aiming at place making which can be enjoyed.The design is a peculiar worldview and all made drawing by hand art is the original design at the center. The shade of the foreign wall seen at a point to which Art and others who received inspiration traveled from something various, cover of the old Western magazine and postcard. Colorful pottery, miscellaneous goods, antique cloth and clothes. I write it messily and am made with the hit idea notebook.They're elegant, even a conservative isn't also stylish. The new genre of the nail art which becomes some habits is being sent from an easy sari nail.When there is art of luxury nail even if I don't speak the same language in the country I traveled, it can be a friend immediately! luxury nail, such Happy, I'd like to be a place.And I'd like to be the snug place where everybody can enjoy a season, fashion and casual daily life by a nice smiling face taking the nail as a start.

【駅からluxury nailまで写真付きでご案内します】

“ The way from Hankyu Tsukaguchi station to the luxury nail ”

最短最寄駅は阪急電車・神戸線 塚口駅になります。​徒歩約3分

​《大阪 阪急梅田駅から約10分☆/阪急神戸三ノ宮駅から約20分☆》

This is Hankyu Tsukaguchi station.

3minutes on foot to the luxury nail atelier.

改札は北と南と二つありますがluxury nailは南改札口側になりますので南改札口からの道順をご案内します

​Start from south gate!


​Bus rotary before you.


​Turn to the right as soon as you get out of the ticket gate with the rotary facing you.


Go straight.


​You can see line on the right and the bank in front of you .


​Continue along the road between the bank and the train line.

​みずほ銀行の隣にコインPが出てきて、その向こうに見えているアンティークな建物の2階にluxury nailがあります!

​You can see the coin parking on your left. My shop is in an old building that you can see next to it.



Arrival! Room 207 on the second floor here!


You can go upstairs by a little elevator next to the grilled meat shop, or by the stairs in the middle.


On the right as soon as one goes upstairs.






階段を上がったら右側すぐの扉207号がluxury nailです☆ 到着されましたらインターホンを鳴らしてください

Please ring the interphone when you arrive.

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